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6° EDITION 30th JUNE 2024

La Millenaria Experience


Short course

1 - The first refreshment point is at 35 km from the start, at Valico Capo la Serra at 1600 meters above sea level.
2 - the second refreshment point is at the 55th km from the start immediately after Santo Stefano di Sessanio at about 1230 meters of altitude

Middle course

1 - The first refreshment point is at 35 km from the start, at Valico Capo la Serra at 1600 meters above sea level.
2 - the second refreshment point is at the 55th km from the start immediately after Santo Stefano di Sessanio at about 1230 meters of altitude
3 - the third refreshment point is at the 84th km from the start, in Campo Imperatore, at about 2130 altitude.

Extreme course

1 - The first refreshment point is at 35 km from the start, at Valico Capo la Serra at 1600 meters above sea level.
2 - the second refreshment point is at the 85th km from the start immediately after Santo Stefano di Sessanio at about 1230 meters of altitude
3 - the third refreshment point is located at 110 ° km from the start, in Campo Imperatore, at about 2130 altitude.

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